By NUGW | Oct 6, 2022

NUGW Launches Union Drive with UE Today, October 6th is the official start of NUGW’s drive to form a legally recognized union of graduate employees. Hundreds of graduate workers are coming together at noon on Deering Meadow to fight for More Pay & More Say. Northwestern graduate workers are organizing to make sure that we…

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Survey on Graduate Needs

By NUGW | Apr 4, 2022

A crucial survey for assessing graduate student needs, organizing goals, and support for a legally recognized union at Northwestern.

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2021 University Finances

By NUGW | Feb 4, 2022

NUGW shares this year’s annual report on Northwestern’s finances.

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Fall 2021 Statement On Protests, The Rock, & Admin Messaging

By NUGW | Nov 23, 2021

In early November 2021, writing on the Rock celebrating Native American Heritage Month was vandalized. Shortly thereafter, student activists stormed Ryan Field during a football game to protest the university’s harmful investments. Guess which one was condemned by the administration? This statement was jointly written by NUGW members in order to contextualize emails the Northwestern…

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Graphic that says "Blank will continue Schapiro's legacy"

New Op-Ed on President-Elect Blank

By NUGW | Oct 29, 2021

Northwestern Graduate Workers have published an op-ed in The Daily expressing concerns about incoming president Rebecca Blank. You can read the Op-Ed in The Daily Northwestern. For questions, please email us at nugraduateworkers@gmail.com

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Graphic that says "Share the Surplus"

University Finances

By NUGW | Jan 7, 2021

Here you will find NUGW’s 2020 analysis of Northwestern’s finances. You can download our full, updated report, as well as the financial data used for analysis, below. Included within, you will find: Facts about NU’s finances and what these numbers mean for our demands. Data analysis of NU’s finances according to economic principles of management…

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Building an Abolitionist Graduate Workers Union

By NUGW | Oct 26, 2020

Dear NUGW members,  For the past two weeks, Northwestern University Community Not Cops (NUCNC) have been holding actions at Northwestern and the broader Evanston community to bring attention to their demands for NU to invest in Black students and abolish NUPD. NUGW as an anti-racist, feminist graduate worker union unequivocally supports NUCNC.  NUGW has supported…

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Covid-19 demands for STEM workers

Northwestern University Graduate Workers Letter Expressing COVID-19 Concerns for STEM Graduate Researchers

By NUGW | Oct 9, 2020

July 27th, 2020 Dear President Morton Schapiro, Vice President and General Counsel Stephanie Graham, Interim Provost Kathleen Hagerty, Interim Dean Kelly Mayo, Vice President for Student Affairs Julie Payne-Kirchmeier, Vice President for Research Milan Mrksich, Senior Associate Vice President and Chief Risk & Compliance Officer Luke Figora, Director of Environmental Health & Safety Gwen Butler:…

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6YF! and Megaphone

Northwestern University Graduate Workers Statement on Milestone Extension

By NUGW | Oct 9, 2020

July 9th, 2020 Earlier today, July 9, 2020, Interim Dean of TGS Kelly Mayo announced that in response to COVID-19, TGS would automatically extend the milestones of all graduate students by one year but explicitly declined to grant a one-year funding extension to all graduate students.  This policy change is completely insufficient to meet the…

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