Dec 13 Bargaining Update

Twelfth Bargaining Session Complete TLDR:  After 55 days of stalling, the Northwestern administration finally presented their “counters” to our economic proposals. The message was clear: disrespect. With 1000+ grad workers taking the wage survey, nearly 100 grad workers packing the hall to the bargaining room in October, and 500+ grad workers rallying for Pay, Power,…

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November 01 Bargaining Update

Eleventh Bargaining Session Complete TLDR:  We PACKED  THE HALLS and GOT RESULTS!  FOUR  Tentative Agreements today: Non-Discrimination, Union Security, Management Rights, and No Strike, No Lockout ALL language proposals have been TA’d FULL FOCUS to econ now  Big wins in agency shop and ability to grieve abuse of authority…we deserve and need these protections and…

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October 19 Bargaining Update

Tenth Bargaining Session Complete TLDR:  THREE Tentative Agreement today: Discipline & Discharge, Workload, and Labor Management Committee! TWO language proposals left: Union Security and Nondiscrimination Economic proposals have reached the table  Come out to our Speak Out/Scavenger Hunt on Friday (10/20) to speak out about Union Shop, Nondiscrimination, and NU Finances!  Pack the halls for our 11/1…

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October 3 Bargaining Update

Ninth Bargaining Session Complete TLDR:  ONE Tentative Agreement today: International Employee Rights! We’re waiting on admin to deliver counters to our articles and information we need. The fall is heating up! Make your voice heard–fill out the wage survey (MEMBERS CHECK YOUR EMAILS!), join walkthroughs, attend walkthrough trainings, and come to the NUGW-UE history session on…

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September 14 Bargaining Update

Eighth Bargaining Session Complete! TLDR:  FOUR Tentative Agreements today and ALL language proposals are being actively negotiated! (check them out on the bargaining tracker) We reached a TA on Appointment Notification, giving workers much clearer information about job expectations and responsibilities for TA and RA positions. We continue to fight for a range of employee…

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Aug 30 Bargaining Update

Seventh Bargaining Session Complete TLDR: Three Tentative Agreements today, the most we’ve ever had in one session! HUGE win for upper year grad workers in cases of terminated or canceled appointments Admin continues to ignore the inextricable link between our roles as students and employees in our Discipline & Discharge article…and we continue to fight…

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Aug 23 Bargaining Update

Sixth Bargaining Session Complete TLDR:  One more Tentative Agreement today, and it’s a BIG one: the Grievance Procedure. Check details in the bargaining tracker. Admin gave us an egregious counter proposal on international worker rights. Give us your testimonies to read at the table next week. Of the 22 articles on the table, we have…

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August 09 Bargaining Update

Fifth Bargaining Session Complete! TLDR:  1 more Tentative Agreement today! Check for updates in the bargaining tracker The athletics scandal has exposed Northwestern’s inadequate harassment prevention policies to the national eye. We continued to push for non-discrimination language backed by a grievance procedure to ensure a safer future for graduate workers Open shop outrage: NU…

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July 27 Bargaining Update

Fourth Bargaining Session Complete! TLDR:  Two more Tentative Agreements today! Check for updates in the bargaining tracker. Admin questioned the validity of our  democratically elected union in an effort to push back against union shop Admin proposed censoring our ability to have union conversations on “company time” Union Wednesdays begin next week for the whole month of August! Meet before…

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July 3rd Bargaining Update

Third day of bargaining complete!  TLDR We reached two () Tentative Agreements today! Check for updates in the bargaining tracker. Admin introduced counter-proposals that would remove protections for discrimination based on race, gender, and other protected classes from our proposed grievance procedure. Hot off the heels of bargaining day , come to our CAT meeting today (at TGS Commons or on zoom) at…

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