Posts Tagged ‘Bargaining’
August 09 Bargaining Update
Fifth Bargaining Session Complete! TLDR: 1 more Tentative Agreement today! Check for updates in the bargaining tracker The athletics scandal has exposed Northwestern’s inadequate harassment prevention policies to the national eye. We continued to push for non-discrimination language backed by a grievance procedure to ensure a safer future for graduate workers Open shop outrage: NU…
Read MoreJuly 27 Bargaining Update
Fourth Bargaining Session Complete! TLDR: Two more Tentative Agreements today! Check for updates in the bargaining tracker. Admin questioned the validity of our democratically elected union in an effort to push back against union shop Admin proposed censoring our ability to have union conversations on “company time” Union Wednesdays begin next week for the whole month of August! Meet before…
Read MoreJune 5th Bargaining Update
Our First Bargaining Session! June 5th, 2023 TLDR: The bargaining train has left the station day one of bargaining is complete! We gave admin our language proposals which you can view in the live bargaining tracker. We have scheduled 5 more bargaining dates from June – August. For a detailed update and to help strategize next…
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