August General Membership Meeting 08-14-2024 5:30pm Tech LR4 & on Zoom

8/14 GMM Topics: Steward Election Structure Proposal, Dues Policy, Data Code of Ethics, Financial Report, Trustee Nominations. JOIN US AT GMM TO GIVE INPUT AND VOTE!

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July General Membership Meeting 07-11-2024 5:30pm Tech L211 & on Zoom

New General Membership Meeting Structure Main Decision-Making Body for Our Union Monthly 2nd Thurs. on odd months 2nd Wed. on even months Moving to Robert’s Rules Of Order Format Committee Reports Old Business New Business Motions, seconds, etc. Special 7/11 GMM Topic We have an opportunity to get a Referendum on the Evanston 7th Ward…

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6+ Years Workers Funding Update: JOIN THE RALLY!

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No Funding for 6+ Years Workers in 13+ Depts! Are You Affected Too?

TL;DR: Graduate workers 6th-year and above are being abruptly and unjustly denied all funding to continue their degree. International workers are under threat of deportation within the next few weeks. Fill out this survey if you are affected and join in the fight to stop admin from getting away with this!     Some of…

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Sign our June Raise Petition!

Read and Sign Here!

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Contract Ratified!

Members have spoken and YOU have a union contract!   Ratification vote results have been fully tallied by OpaVote. Contract is ratified: 1713 Y to 647 N   Prior to 3 PM CT on March 13th, 2,525 Northwestern grad workers signed NUGW-UE Local 1122 member cards. 2360 members cast their vote for a turnout of 93.47% of NUGW-UE Local 1122 membership!…

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Full Tentative Agreement BC Recommendation

This is the Bargaining Committee’s first official communication since yesterday’s bargaining session. The Bargaining Committee officially recommends this Tentative Agreement (TA), as outlined below, to members. First, a TL;DR of what’s in our tentative agreement: A guaranteed base stipend of $41,000 starting June 2024, $45,000 starting September 2024 (a 21.8% increase over the current base stipend), and an $1,000 signing bonus immediately upon…

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Feb 01 Bargaining Update

Fourteenth Bargaining Session Complete TLDR: ESCALATION WORKS! Our 1000+ strike pledges led to big wins, including 100% dental and 100% vision coverage. Admin continues to lowball us in compensation and support for international workers. But now we are in a better position than ever to put their feet to the fire. All hands on deck!…

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Jan 10 Bargaining Update

Thirteenth Bargaining Session Complete TLDR: Admin came back to the table with more unsatisfactory counterproposals and made minimal movement yet again. TAs today.  Despite NU’s lowballing, we are all still committed to settling a contract. In a show of our seriousness, we presented a reasonable counter on compensation, including 48.8k in annual pay, and await…

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Dec 13 Bargaining Update

Twelfth Bargaining Session Complete TLDR:  After 55 days of stalling, the Northwestern administration finally presented their “counters” to our economic proposals. The message was clear: disrespect. With 1000+ grad workers taking the wage survey, nearly 100 grad workers packing the hall to the bargaining room in October, and 500+ grad workers rallying for Pay, Power,…

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